Thursday, September 30, 2010

Paris Hilton and boyfriend Cy Waits

According to TMZ, the couple were cited to hit-and-run a female photographer with a Bentle.

It was reported that the couple allegedly drove away after hitting the female photographer, and paramedics were called to take the photog to the hospital. Waits was also reportedly returned to the scene later but Paris Hilton was not with him anymore. TMZ sources close to Paris' boyfriend informed that he hadn't realized he allegedly hit someone until he received a text message later in the night. Waits immediately informed the police and returned to the scene.

According also to TMZ,  officer confirmed the citing of Waits but night club mogul denies it. Waits also believed that the photographer placed him under citizen's arrest and cops were obligated to sign the citizen's arrest form.

Paris tweeted after the incident : "Lovely evening with friends and family ruined by aggressive paparazzi. They are literally insane!" Check here.