The Project Runway recappers are out in full force for the finale:
Uncle Nick is disconcerted...
Laura Bennett pours out the pig blood...
Eric3000 orders some crap from Laos...
Carol Hannah picks Mondo for the win...
JordanBaker knew who was going home...
RedPoppy makes house calls with Tim...
Democracy Diva is anything but unfabulous...
Katnap wonders why Gretchen survived...
Maxthegirl likes her granola crunchy...
Mellie is generally annoyed and disappointed...
Brian is ready for the real finale...
c(h)oco chanel was in pain...
Miz Shoes is in fine form...
Second City Style is indespensable...
And of course there is Toyouke.
Next up - the finale of the finale. Thank you recappers!