Sunday, June 22, 2008

Petrol is really cheap

I filled up my car's fuel tank, and I thought fuel has
become really expensive after the recent price hike.

But then I compared it with other common liquids and did
some quick calculations, and I felt a little better.

To know why, see the results below รข€“ you'll be
surprised at how outrageous some other prices are ! !

Diesel (regular) in Mumbai : Rs.36.08 per litre

Petrol (speed) in Mumbai : Rs.52 per litre

Coca Cola 330 ml can : Rs.20 = Rs.61 per litre

Dettol antiseptic 100 ml Rs.20 = Rs.200 per litre

Radiator coolant 500 ml Rs.160 = Rs.320 per litre

Pantene conditioner 400 ml Rs.165 = Rs.413 per litre

Medicinal Mouthwash like Listerine 100 ml Rs.45 = Rs. 450
per litre

Red Bull 150 ml can : Rs.75 = Rs.500 per litre

Corex cough syrup 100 ml Rs.57 = Rs. 570 per litre

Evian water 500 ml Rs. 330 = Rs. 660 per litre

Rs. 660 for a litre of WATER !!

And the buyers don't even know the source (Evian
spelled backwards is Naive.)

Kores whiteout 15 ml Rs. 15 = Rs. 1000 per litre

Cup of coffee at any decent business hotel 100 ml Rs. 50 =
Rs. 500 per litre

Old Spice after shave lotion 100 ml Rs. 175 = Rs. 1750 per

Pure almond oil 25 ml Rs. 68 = Rs. 2720 per litre

And this is the REAL KICKER...

HP DeskJet colour ink cartridge 21 ml Rs.1900 = Rs. 90476
per litre!!!

Now you know why computer printers are so cheap ? So they
have you hooked for the ink !

So, the next time you're at the pump, don't curse
anyone just be glad your car doesn't run on cough
syrup, after shave, coffee, or God forbid, printer ink!